Thursday, January 24, 2019

Alvin Avon Braziel, Jr. #999393; December 11, 2018

Yes Sir, I would like to thank the Shape Community Center for all their support. I would like to thank all those overseas, Italy and France, for their support for the death row prisoners. I would also like to apologize to Lori for the second time for her husband dying at my hand. To the White family and to Tashell for not being there, I Love you. I’m finished Warden you may proceed.

Offender information

For additional information, please see this Associated Press article.

Joseph Christopher Garcia, #999441; December 4, 2018

Yes Sir. Dear Heavenly Father please forgive them for they know not what they do [long pause] To some of you...They’ve already started and I ain’t even finished.

Offender information

For additional information, please see this Associated Press article

Robert Moreno Ramos #999062; November 14, 2018

I am very thankful for all the hard work the Mexican consulate put in a fight over my death sentence if there was a reason or not. I am thankful for the humane treatment that I was given here at the 2 prisons that I was at. I am getting my gold watch that it took the Governor 30 years to forge. Thank you God, Lord send me a chariot. I’m ready.

Offender information

For additional information, please see this Associated Press article